Facing the unprecedented challenges in the ever-changing environment today, the global fight against corruption cannot be fought in silos. Joint efforts from different generations are of paramount importance to sustaining anti-corruption endeavours into the future. More than ever, we need the ideas, the energy and the leadership of young people to provide fresh impetus to sustaining a corruption-free world.
Recognizing the critical role of young people in shaping the world with probity, IAACA joined hands with the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China to organize the Webinar on Meaningful Youth Engagement titled "Nurturing and Empowering Our Future Leaders in Anti-Corruption Work: Stories from the Field" on 4 July 2024.
This ground-breaking webinar brought together over 400 graft-fighters and youth integrity promotion practitioners from 70 organizations worldwide. During the opening session, IAACA Secretary-General Mr. Kenneth Wong emphasized the importance of meaningful youth engagement in seamlessly passing the anti-corruption torch to the next generation. He called for concerted efforts to actively involve younger generations, highlighting IAACA’s leading role in this area.
Distinguished speakers from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the National Transparency Authority (NTA) of Greece, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) of Kenya, and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and ICAC shared their perspectives on educating, empowering, and connecting youth in the fight against corruption. They discussed youth engagement strategies and innovative activities to inspire the next generation, engaging in fruitful exchanges with our participants.
The webinar is the first in a series of capacity building activities stemming from the publication of the “Policy Guide for National Anti-Corruption Authorities on Meaningful Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Work”, jointly developed by IAACA, ICAC, and UNODC. Stay tuned for IAACA’s other events focused on meaningful youth engagement.
We remain committed to working with international organizations and anti-corruption agencies worldwide, fostering anti-corruption partnerships, and facilitating knowledge sharing. Your institution is welcome to contact the IAACA Secretariat to discuss collaboration.