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IAACA Joins GlobE Network as Observer

IAACA Joins GlobE Network as Observer

IAACA has been admitted as an observer to the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE Network) at its Fifth Plenary Meeting in Beijing, China, on 25 September 2024.

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Hong Kong, China

IAACA-HKIAAC Webinar - Nurturing and Empowering Our Future Leaders in Anti-Corruption Work: Stories from the Field

On July 2024, IAACA joined hands with the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China to organize the Webinar on Meaningful Youth Engagement titled "Nurturing and Empowering Our Future Leaders in Anti-Corruption Work: Stories from the Field". This ground-breaking webinar brought together over 400 graft-fighters and youth integrity promotion practitioners from 70 organizations worldwide.

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The 8th ICAC Symposium and 11th IAACA Annual Conference: Charting a New Path to Combat Corruption

Last month IAACA convened an Annual Conference in Hong Kong, China, the first large-scale event of the Association after the pandemic.

The 8th ICAC Symposium and the 11th IAACA Annual Conference, titled "Charting a New Path to Combat Corruption", was co-organized by IAACA and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China from 22 to 24 May 2024. Bringing together over 500 representatives of around 180 anti-corruption and related agencies from nearly 60 jurisdictions, including around 40 IAACA member authorities, this significant event provided a unique opportunity for anti-corruption experts around the globe to share best practices in the international anti-corruption arena, mapping out the path towards greater international cooperation in fighting corruption.

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ICAC Mauritius Thumbnail

Strengthening Anti-Corruption Collaboration: Visit to IAACA by Director-General of ICAC Mauritius

Mr Danny Woo, President of IAACA and Commissioner of ICAC Hong Kong, has recently hosted a delegation from the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Mauritius (ICAC Mauritius). Led by Dr Navin Beekarry, Director-General of ICAC Mauritius and Member of IAACA Executive Committee, the delegation visited IAACA and ICAC Hong Kong in late March.

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Experience Sharing Programme for National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council of South Africa

Study Journey of National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council of South Africa to Hong Kong, China

The Experience Sharing Programme for the National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council (NACAC) of South Africa was successfully held in Hong Kong, China from March 11 to March 15, 2024. Co-hosted by IAACA, the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) of ICAC and the Transparency, Integrity, and Accountability Programme in South Africa (TIP) of GIZ, this programme served as a valuable platform for knowledge exchange among the ICAC, two other anti-corruption authorities (ACAs) in East Asia, and their counterparts from South Africa.

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The 8th ICAC Symposium

Register NOW: The 8th ICAC Symposium (22–24 May 2024)

The 8th ICAC Symposium is scheduled to be held from 22 to 24 May 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Symposium is co-hosted by IAACA and ICAC Hong Kong, China, with the participation of leaders of anti-corruption authorities and anti-graft experts from all over the world for in-depth discussion on a number of essential topics. This is a major event in the global anti-corruption community and also serves as the Annual Conference of IAACA.

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Engage the youth to shape a corruption-free future

"Policy Guide for National Anti-Corruption Authorities on Meaningful Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Work," a collaborative effort between the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA), the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong, China (ICAC) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been released.

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The 8th ICAC Symposium

8th ICAC Symposium is now open for registration

The 8th ICAC Symposium, co-organized by IAACA and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China on 22–24 May 2024 in Hong Kong, is now open for registration.

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Let’s unite together to fight corruption

International Anti-Corruption Day

The 13th IAACA General Meeting was successfully held on 4 December, marking the completion of a fruitful year for the Association. The Secretariat reported the accomplishments over the past year and outlined our future plans to give effect to the mandates of the Association. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the collective efforts of IAACA members, our international partners and anti-corruption authorities worldwide in sustaining the momentum of the Association.

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IAACA Newsletter

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Issue 8 29 Feb 2024

Advancing Global Partnership

At the General Meeting, Mr Danny Woo, Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong, China (ICAC), was unanimously elected as the IAACA President for a new three-year term.

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Issue 7 31 Oct 2023

Appointment of New IAACA President

Mr Danny Woo, Commissioner of Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Hong Kong, China, was appointed by the IAACA Executive Committee (ExCo) as IAACA President with effect from 1 September 2023.

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Issue 6 20 Jul 2023

IAACA New Milestone

The new office of the IAACA Secretariat was opened in Hong Kong, China on 26 April 2023.
Mr Simon Peh, IAACA President, remarked at the opening ceremony that the new office for the Secretariat would benefit the long-term development of the Association. He thanked the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China for its continuous support to IAACA and the Secretariat, which made the establishment of this new office possible.

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IAACA e-Alert

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New IAACA Website Launched

New IAACA Website Launched

IAACA is delighted to announce the launch of a new website ( In addition to information, activities and latest news and a repository of the capacity building training materials of the Association, the website is equipped with features to facilitate information sharing and experience exchange so as to provide further impetus to the dynamic developments of the Association. The major one being a log-in controlled “e-Forum” which allows members to conveniently discuss topics of common concern, raise questions, share experience and propose solutions on specific areas in relations to the operations of their institutions, the conceiving and implementation of and cooperation in various anti-corruption initiatives.

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IAACA Online Training Programme (22 and 23 February 2023)

IAACA Online Training Programme (22 and 23 February 2023)

With the advance of technology, crimes with digital elements are more sophisticated than ever and has posed a big challenge to law enforcement agencies including anti-corruption authorities. Nowadays, most evidences are electronically stored. Not only do graft-fighters need to know where to locate the information that could be of potential evidentiary value, they also need to know how to retrieve, analyze and preserve the data hidden in electronic devices in a timely manner in order to crack their cases.

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Joint Project of UNODC, ICAC and IAACA “Policy Guide on the Meaningful Engagement of Youth in Anti-Corruption Efforts for Policymakers and National Anti-Corruption Agencies

Joint Project of UNODC, ICAC and IAACA “Policy Guide on the Meaningful Engagement of Youth in Anti-Corruption Efforts for Policymakers and National Anti-Corruption Agencies

As it has been reported at the General Meeting held on 8 December 2022, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong, China (ICAC), and IAACA are jointly developing a “Policy Guide on the Meaningful Youth Engagement (MYE) in Anti-Corruption Efforts”. This Policy Guide aims to address the gap between anti-corruption policymaking and MYE by offering thorough and cutting-edge guidance on how policy processes and programmes can implement MYE in support of ACAs to achieve anti-corruption outcomes. It will be published in the second half of 2023 for adoption by policymakers and national anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) according to their local situations.

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2022 International Anti-Corruption Day

2022 International Anti-Corruption Day

The 2022 International Anti-Corruption Day this year is signaling the run-up to the 20th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Heads and top representatives of around 50 member organisations of IAACA unanimously reaffirmed their commitment to the effective implementation of the UNCAC at the 12th IAACA General Meeting successfully held on the eve of this big day.

Echoing this year’s theme of “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption”, IAACA will continue its efforts to facilitate fruitful exchange of expertise, experience, knowledge and skills; and to promote collaboration among anti-corruption authorities with the aim of raising the global capacity in combating and preventing corruption.

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IACA Regional Summer Academy Asia 2022

IACA Regional Summer Academy Asia 2022

The IAACA Secretariat is pleased to announce a prestigious trainingThe IAACA Secretariat is pleased to announce a prestigious trainingThe IAACA Secretariat is pleased to announce a prestigious training

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Webinar on Designing and Implementing Effective Whistleblowers Protection Systems

Webinar on Designing and Implementing Effective Whistleblowers Protection Systems

As an association gathering anti-corruption agencies around the world to promoteAs an association gathering anti-corruption agencies around the world to promoteAs an association gathering anti-corruption agencies around the world to promoteAs an association gathering anti-corruption agencies around the world to promote

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World Justice Forum 2022

World Justice Forum 2022

While IAACA members have been dedicating themselves to preventing and combating corruption, President Mr Simon Peh, with the support of the Secretariat, has continued to promote IAACA in the international community and strengthen its collaboration with like-minded organisations around the world for the global anti-corruption cause.

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