Training Committee
The Training Committee was set up in 2017 by the Executive Committee (ExCo) in accordance with Article 9(C)(o) of the IAACA Constitution with the objective to propose, oversee and evaluate training-related activities. The IAACA Training Committee co-hosted two international training programmes with the Hong Kong, ICAC and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in 2021 respectively.
With the completion of the previous term, the ExCo appointed a new term of the Training Committee at its 1st meeting held on 5 January 2022.
The Training Committee is responsible for:
(a) Proposing, overseeing and evaluating the IAACA’s training-related activities;
(b) Conducting training need analysis of the different anti-corruption agency professionals and prioritising professional groups and topics to be targeted;
(c) Elaborating and/or approving contents, programmes, and trainers of specialized courses and seminars;
(d) Selecting the training materials to be elaborated and their authors; and
(e) Proposing to the Executive Committee the signature of memorandums of understanding with universities and research centres.
Terms of Reference
Terms of ReferenceMembers of Training Committee (2022-2024)
Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong, China
Mr Danny Y M Woo
Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), India
Mr Daniel Paul

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Malaysia
Hon. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Haji Azam bin Baki
Chief Commissioner

Financial Crimes Commission (FCC), Mauritius
Dr Navin Beekarry

National Authority for Probity, Prevention and Fight Against Corruption (INPPLC), Morocco
H.E. Mr Mohamed Bachir Rachdi

International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
Mr Jaroslaw Pietrusiewicz
Chief of Staff/Head of Strategic Partnerships and Projects

Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center (ROLACC), Qatar
Dr Yasser Refaie

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Mr Tim Steele
Senior Global Anti-Corruption Advisor

IAACA Secretariat
Mr Kenneth WONG Kwok-hung
Director of International Cooperation and Corporate Services, ICAC
Hong Kong, China